Teeth whitening

Over time, our teeth naturally stain. Many times, however, the yellowing of teeth can lead to a lack of self-confidence and less willingness to smile, limiting someone’s social and professional possibilities. Fortunately, this condition is reversible with our different teeth whitening options.

At-Home Whitening

We offer our patients the ability to whiten their teeth at home with a custom kit and teeth whitening gel.

Opalescence GO Trays

    • Sold in 4 and 10 packs
    • Uses 15% hydrogen peroxide to whiten
    • Wear for 15-20 minutes for 5-10 days consecutively until you reach desired shade
    • Contains potassium nitrate and fluoride to reduce sensitivity
    • Easy to use

Whitening for Life

    • Current patients must be decay and gum disease free
    • 2 appointments needed, 1st appointment – impressions taken to create custom whitening trays, 2nd appointment – patient will be given custom whitening trays and whitening for life kit
    • Whitening for life kit contains 8 tubes of 35% hydrogen peroxide whitening gel and detailed instructions of how to apply gel and wear trays
    • At each 6 month recare visit patient will receive 1 free tube of whitening gel

In-Office Whitening

The first in-office option is called Zoom. Zoom is a highly trusted product that contains hydrogen peroxide which when combine with light energy can significantly whiten teeth. The entire process takes about 1-2 hours. We will also give you some additional bleaching trays, allowing you to perform occasional at home touch-ups if needed. Sometimes, our patients experience some mild sensitivity after having this procedure, but it tends to fade quickly.


    • Current patients must be decay and gum disease free
    • Leave 4-8 shades whiter same day
    • Ideal for patients with surface stains
    • 2 appointments needed, 1st appointment – impressions taken to create custom whitening trays, 2nd appointment – 2 hour whitening appointment
    • Procedure – a barrier will be placed to cover the gums and isolate the teeth and a retractor will be placed to pull back the lips. A desensitizing gel will be placed on the teeth followed by a hydrogen peroxide gel. A lamp will be used to assist in the whitening process. Whitening is done in four 15 minute sessions
    • After the procedure is done the patient will receive a tube of whitening and desensitizing gel to touch up and maintain whitening

The second in office option whitens even dark intrinsic discoloration, like tetracycline stain. KÖR Whitening incorporates in office conditioning, at home whitening treatments, and in office whitening. Although it takes anywhere form 6-8 weeks to complete, the results are spectacular.


    • Current patients must be decay and gum disease free
    • Full treatment can whiten teeth up to 16 shades lighter
    • Ideal for patients with internal staining such as tetracycline staining
    • Multiple appointments needed, 1st appointment – scan taken to create custom whitening trays, 2nd appointment – 2 hour whitening appointment, 3rd-7th appointments- biweekly evaluations, last appointment- 2 hour whitening appointment
    • Procedure – a barrier will be placed to cover the gums and isolate the teeth and a retractor will be placed to pull back the lips. A desensitizing solution will be placed on the teeth followed by KOR’s Dual-Activated, Tri-Barrel Hydremide Peroxide gel. Whitening is done in three 20 minute sessions
    • After the initial whitening appointment, the patient will need to return to the office once every 2 weeks for 6-12 weeks so we can monitor the whitening progress. At each visit the patient and provider will evaluate whether or not the patient would like to continue whitening at home or if they would like to move on to the final appointment. Patients will receive more whitening and desensitizing gel at each evaluation visit
    • The last visit will be another 2 hour whitening appointment