Living with missing or damaged teeth is more than an oral health concern. Patients with bad teeth often struggle with embarrassment, pain, and discomfort. Social situations, eating, and even talking can be a challenge. Neglected dental issues may lead to periodontal disease, a severe condition affecting gums and tooth support.

Both dentures and traditional dental implants have their drawbacks and limitations, as proper care and maintenance are necessary.

Dental Restoration or dental implants are a permanent, fixed implant denture solution. It is efficient, affordable, and long-lasting. Frankel Dentistry is the trusted dentist in Northwest Ohio for dental implants. We have dental implant appointments in Maumee, Ohio, and Toledo, Ohio.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are more than just implants – they are prosthetic restorations that use a clinical technique specifically designed for this procedure. Using just 5 or 6 dental implants, it’s possible to permanently restore 12 teeth on either the upper or lower jaw, ensuring that our patients are never without teeth.

Frankel Dentistry, which has offices in Toledo, Ohio, and Maumee, Ohio, can give patients with missing or unhealthy teeth a beautiful, long-lasting new smile in as few as three appointments for a fraction of the cost of conventional dental restorations and many other complete arch solutions.