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Halloween Candy Tips and Tricks

What is the scariest night of the year for your dentist? It is most certainly Halloween. Hoards of sticky, sugar-laden candy with the potential of haunting the health of children’s teeth for months to come.

Managing candy consumption does not need to be challenging. Eat candy after a meal. Brush and floss following lunch or dinner. The problems come from constant contact.

Hard candies that bathe teeth for hours and sticky candy adheres until it finally dissolves.

Candy can be a learning experience. Have children identify the worst to best for dental health. Let them problem solve the best tooth defending tricks! Rinse with water after eating candy.

Brush and floss after eating candy.

Eat candy at one sitting not for an extended time. Kids love to figure out the best way to stop cavities.

Categories: Dental HealthFrankel DentistryHealthy Mouth