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Bring Oral Health to the Office

Keeping up with your oral hygiene is very important and should not be thought about only in the mornings and evenings, but rather all day long. Even while you are at work. This might sound like a lot of work, but here are some easy tips and tricks you can bring into the office that will keep your mouth happy and healthy all day long.

Keep a Travel Toothbrush at Your Desk

Brushing your teeth after every meal is critical for keeping up with good oral hygiene. Store a travel dental kit at your desk for quick and easy access. You can fill your bag with a travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. These items will not take up much room and will keep your smile looking great.

Drink Water

We all know the importance of drinking enough water throughout the day, so here is one more reminder. Water is important for proper oral health. People who sip sugary beverages during the day, even fruit juice, create a situation where their teeth are assaulted from the acid produced by bacteria all day. The best choice for dental health is to spend the day drinking water. You should also rinse your mouth with water after eating anything sticky or sugary.

Healthy Over Sugary

Snacking at your desk can be hard to avoid so if you do choose to munch during the day make it healthy. Avoid those sugary snacks and go for more fruits and vegetables.

Sugar-Free Gum

No one likes coffee breath so when you go for a piece of gum, make sure it is sugar-free. Chewing gum stimulates saliva, which is the mouth’s natural defense mechanism against plaque acids which cause tooth decay and bad breath. Xylitol is an ingredient in gum that has been shown to prevent tooth decay.


Smiling can be a powerful tool in the office. During a typical workday, you come across many different people such as your coworkers, clients, and managers. Presenting a clean and healthy smile says a lot about you. It can also be an instant mood booster! Got a case of the Monday blues? Try smiling. This simple act can reduce stress, lower heart rate and decrease blood pressure. Not only will smiling make you feel a little better, but others around you as well.

Categories: Dental HealthDental TipsFrankel DentistryUncategorized