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Back TOOTH School

The 2021 school year is right around the corner, is a healthy, bright and white smile on your back to school list?

Our society has learned the importance of preventative care this year more than ever. Establishing a strong, efficient oral care routine at a young age can help prevent an array of dental issues and chronic diseases. Research is linking more chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, preterm infants and more to gum disease and oral health.

Start teaching your kids about the importance of oral care at a young age to ensure healthy habits that last a lifetime. We recommend a strong oral care routine, brushing twice a day, flossing, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash. Along with this regular visits to the dentist and a balanced diet with limited sugary foods. Children often mirror their parents’ dental habits and perspective of the dentist. Encourage healthy habits for your children simply by setting an example. Speak positively about your experience with the dentist and spend time performing your dental routine with your child. Oral health doesn’t have to be scary or boring.

Frankel Dentistry wants to create the best dental care experience for you and your family. We know going to the dentist can be frightening but we want to help kids move past dental anxiety and move forward with healthy dental care habits.

Categories: Dental AnxietyDental Check-UpsDental HealthFrankel DentistryHealthy Mouth